Unlike a traditional massage, our lymphatic massages are done with an air compression suit (pneumatic massage). When you arrive we slip you into large boots and a wrap that goes around your torso. We then discuss which pressure would be best for you and turn on a small machine that sends air pressure up your body, relaxing and releasing every part of you, along with stimulating the lymphatic drainage system. Our clients find this to be even more effective than a manual massage in terms of moving fat and toxins around and out of the body and describe it as feeling like 4 pairs of hands are massaging you at once.
About half of our lymph nodes are in the torso and legs and they hold onto large amounts of toxins, excess hormones and water. Our suits are designed so that the fluids in your entire body are getting movement during the massage and therefore, your arms also receive these benefits.
It does not hurt at all – in fact, it is extremely soothing and relaxing. Just like our saunas, the lymphatic massage is completely customizable. You can do a session that is light and gentle with low compression or we can turn it up to feel more like a deep tissue massage, it’s your choice!
Lymphatic Drainage is crucial for good health and a strong immune system.
The suit massages your lymph nodes – bean shaped glands throughout the whole body. A properly functioning Lymph system will drain excess fluid from tissues, prevent the absorption of fatty acid, and subsequently transports fat to the circulatory system, all of which are necessary for the production of immune cells.
The best part of our lymphatic massages is its ability to minimize cellulite! The breaking up of fluid and increase of circulation will also decrease swelling and bloat in the body. Doing Lymphatic Massage is also essential before and after traveling by plane, to help your body’s ecosystem balance out again.
The Lymphatic Massage is 30 minutes per session. Some members like to do two sessions back to back for an hour long massage! Just let us know if you’d like to do this and we’ll help you book.